Early morning of Saturday . . . February 2, 2008 . . . while it was still dark, I together with my friend Minette, were driving on the road to attend a seminar entitled, Just Give Me Jesus. It was half our way when I noticed two bright beautiful stars staring at us as if trying to get our attention from the rest of the world. They are noticeably different from among the stars in the sky that day. Beside them was a crescent moon with a little star resting on top of it . . . It was such a beautiful sight . . . driving silently, enjoying the sky (I was driving so I just peeked once in a while), savoring the peace on the road, comforted by the warmth of my car (the AC was off, it was cold that day), excited for that seminar, chatting with Minette while listening to soft music.
Anne Graham Lotz delivered God's message incredibly good. She caught my attention when she presented the gospel in a new way (at least for me). I was reminded of how much Jesus loved me that eventhough He has the power to let go that brutal suffering, to just skip that scourging at the pillar, to silent those Pharisees and Sanhedrins, to strike King Herod at that moment when he questioned Him, to just let go of His breath and not feel the pain of those huge, big nails, to ask His heavenly Father to save Him . . . He intentionally and voluntarily went thru all of those pains, hurts, tears so that I can be saved and I can be righteous in the eyes of God. The music of Fernando Ortega, composer and singer of Just Give me Jesus song, filled the coliseum while the people (mostly women) sing along with the sound of his piano. I was overwhelmed at that day while we sing praises to God. I can see "hope" everywhere I put my eyes on. I see "rainbows" filled that arena. Rainbows (sign of hope) because I can only see the colors of shirts but cannot see the faces of the people. It's as if I was inside that "rainbow".
Before finally going home, two of my friends joined me for coffee. Our conversation was so intimate. I feel so close to these ladies as we share what's in our hearts, that we can be so open and true with each other, never mind being naked or vulnerable, and having no fear of being judged.
I almost forgot about those stars we saw that morning until I got a message later that night from Minette saying that those were not just stars. One is named Venus (the brighter star) and other is Jupiter!
I searched the net about this amazing sight and I'd like to quote Francis Redy's statement on these two stars that they "resemble a pair of celestial headlights - an appropriate comparison for an event that graces the morning commute."
I knew, God gave me Jesus from the start 'till the end of that day. . . more than just stars.
Photo was taken from antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod