The rain has stopped.
The storm has passed.
Look at all the colors, now the sun is here at last.
Father God, thank You for being there.
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure. - 1 Corinthians 10:13
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
With the recent calamity we had experienced, it is so tempting to dwell on what was lost…
God has been and always will be our Protector, Provider and Refuge.
When typhoon Pedring came, I was able to go home early that day. God protected me from darkness and debris along the road.
The water started to rise. Nanay just bought our groceries for the week. We have enough food.
It took longer than I expected for the electricity to power up. I was able to charge my phones before the flood.
Days were passing, water level is getting higher. Still without electricity and the water supply has been cut off as well. Ate applied for purified water dealership, we have enough water supply.
Water reached the 2nd floor of our house! This was the first time we experienced such great flood. We still have our 3rd floor and rooftop to keep dry.
Our cars were parked on high grounds but the water level is higher. The owner of the lot where the cars were parked is an automotive mechanic. He sends us messages from time to time. Kuya was able to take out the computer box from Wyt and tied the two vehicles as well.
In God’s divine ways, I had an Elijah-experience. Everyday I asked God to stop the water from rising. It didn’t. I asked God to have the power back. It didn’t. I asked God for better sleeps. It didn’t. I kept praying until one day, the water level started to go down. All I uttered was “praise God!”
My spiritual family was all worried about us that they didn’t stop until they were able to send rescuers to our home. I, together with five family members and relatives, left our house. As we were going to dry land, I saw how great that flood was! I was safe at home, spending time with my family, praying for the water to subside – all this time, God has been keeping us in the eye of the storm. An unimaginable flood has come to our town. There were empty houses. There were people trying to survive. Calamity is everywhere. Yet God kept our eyes away from the awful situation.
It saddened me to be away from my family but more rejoicing when I get involved with the relief operation. Being “out of water” makes me see a clearer view of what God is trying to do. Need is everywhere and many people (most of them I do not know of) are all together helping out.
This flood maybe awful but has God promised that all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things and you'll see that you are in the safest the eye of the storm with God alone.
We had a 4-day weekend. For long holidays, I usually get bored because most of it are commonly spent at home – doing nothing valuable. And so my dgroup planned a trek to Mount Pinatubo. The plan was good: we’ll go up on Monday and we’ll rest on Tuesday so we can be ready for the Wednesday usual office work. We’ll just go there by public transport since no one volunteered to do a long and tiring drive. Then an unexpected typhoon came! So much for the trekking…
I spent my Saturday in the ministry, well the first part of the day was in bed. Hehe. Attended the event in church and then went to dgroup that ended at 11pm! It was raining hard, really. Sunday, I needed to wake up early for my sister requested me to attend the 1st worship service and that means getting up as early as 6am. By the way, during our dgroup, I had a cup of coffee which kept my mind awake until two in the morning! Coffee doesn’t usually have that effect much on me, but I don’t know why on that particular time, my mind couldn’t sleep. Anyway, that Sunday I slept from 12noon to 3pm. I still want to stay in bed but I don’t want to miss a TV series I regularly watch. Haha! And again, there was a typhoon, so the kids cannot play outside and made our living room their play area. They played basket using a balloon and it was really a chaos. There were five of them- shouting, running, jumping and is everywhere. So much for my TV watching. I wanted to go back to my room but decided to be with the kids, speaking of spending time with family. Hehe. And so the rest of the day was playtime mode.
Instead of going to Mount Pinatubo that Monday, the group finally decided to visit Marquee Mall. Though only three of us were able to make it, there were two bodyguards (friends) who also came with us. We ate our now favorite Brother’s burger (missing the mayo and catsup), watched a movie (we only knew then that there was such a film! It has a good story though.), did some shopping (err, more shopping?) and even had kodakan moments (free from the movie tickets). And the highlight of it was having my new toy! (I’m-busy-please-don’t-disturb)
The last day of my long weekend was used in cleaning my room (finally my bedroom was able to breathe) and on a date with my close friend. We always plan for that date but our schedules are often in conflict and so yesterday we enjoyed our chat, eating and even did a little grocery.
Today is the start of going-back-to-reality. I find it funny though ‘coz my bible verse this morning was from Proverbs 31 woman, speaking of getting-up-early-while-it-was-still-dark. I will miss my morning long sleep…
Thank You, Father God, for the peaceful rest and the time spent with the people who matter most to me. Thank You for never letting me feel any boredom.
The rain started to pour lightly. Made the weather cooler though. I did something I haven’t done before, that is, bursting out what’s in my heart that I am keeping inside for a longer time. Before that “explosion”, I felt like I was someone I am not.
I know I’ve caused pain so I humbled myself and asked forgiveness for what I did only to get hurt even more. I thought my asking for sorry will release me from the ache but I was wrong. That night, God talked to me in a very intimate way, a conversation I haven’t had for a longer time too. Every word He uttered is replied back with tears. God talked to me like a Father and assured me that He hasn’t forgotten anything about me.
The next day I was again truthful to someone only to give hurt once more. Have I done wrong for the second time? It was so painful that I thought I lost every investment I had on that relationship. God told me to humble myself again. The following day I asked for forgiveness and it was accepted. Later that day, I received a text message and it saddened me again. Will the rain ever stop?
I went to God and tried focusing my mind to other things until my hand ached from writing and told God that I am tired. Instantly, my phone rang. It was an international number, a call I don’t usually answer. But that time I got it and hoping it will be a lady on the other line. Indeed, a good friend I never talked to in a while shared stories that lifted my spirit. And before the call ended, she shared good news that soothed my worries. God really has His ways of taking care of me.
This morning as I was going to the office, I felt something is wrong with my car but didn’t mind it that much. Until someone got my attention and told me about a flat tire. The place where the problem was confirmed was near a vulcanizing shop. I only needed to turn and I was the only customer. As I was waiting to get my tire fixed, I checked on my phone and saw a message from my brother warning me of that tire. Nothing is too late for God; He had protected me all the way until I reached a safer place to fix the problem.
The rain is still pouring. The weather is still cooler. It is wet everywhere. And God is in it all the time. His kindness never fails.
It was an honor to be a Green Team member, especially working with my groupmates.
Excitement was the first emotion I felt when my superiors volunteered me to be part of the Green team. And as we go on with the group, the excitement is changing to admiration and inspiration.
Each member comes from different departments. It was my first time to work with most of them. And it is fascinating and surprising to know each one personally through our projects and meetings.
Green day celebration is one of the biggest projects of the team. Needless to say, each member is excited and enthusiastic for the event. As Sir Danny started to challenge us to prepare for the celebration, everyone gave time and much thinking on how can the celebration be better and meaningful this time.
We were assigned to different roles and were given different responsibilities. Everyone did his job in sourcing out for the best idea for the upcoming event. Everyone was in his high momentum. Everyone was excited.
The plan was almost complete when the BIG change was laid down to us. The BIG change means finding an alternative to all the preparations that we did. Eventhough it means to look for a different venue, the team did not lose its momentum. Another challenge came up. We needed to revise the budget. Again, the team did not spend much time dwelling on the WHY but more on the HOW.
It is at this time that I was in awe with my teammates. A number of email exchanges, meetings, brainstorming, decision making, revisions – but the team never loses its focus. Negative feedbacks did not hinder the team to courageously work out and do the best for the company and for the co-employees.
I must admit that at one time, I feel like giving up, I feel like “bahala na kayo dyan”, I feel like stopping and just concentrate on my daily work. Thanks to the passion for success that my teammates are exhibiting, I found myself on the same momentum as they are.
Days before the Green day, there is still one major award left unoccupied. Another twist came, the decision to choose the awardee was given to us. It was so tempting to give up but Green team as we are; the group gave whatever is needed.
The celebration was a success! Happy faces and satisfied colleagues are what we see. All the effort and hardwork by the team has been paid off. The scene where each member did his part in the program is worth keeping in my memory.
Full engagement, connectivity, reaching out – these are but only a few of the many values I observed that my teammates are living out. They never give in! They are so passionate – passion, passion, ACTION!
One more year to work together. One more year of connection, collaboration, fellowship. But I know that what we started won’t end after one more year. Instead, it will be for longer years.
I can still remember that time when it’s you whom I only want to be with. I feel so secured and safe when we are together. I miss the times when we play; I miss those habulan; I miss that laughter that we shared; I miss being just your little girl. Years passed and so many things have come and gone. We had this 3-year long silence. I made you cry. I hurt you. All because of my disobedience. When it comes to love, I know you only want the best for me. You’ve met all those who tried to win my heart, but all of them didn’t pass your standard. Maybe the right one is still on his way. At one time I was a bit confused why you acted differently when it comes to courting. In the end all I know is that you know what is right for me. The man I almost gave my heart to, you really were disappointed. Just at first glance, you know he is not right for me. Is it true? Definitely, you are correct with your judgment. I’m glad that I have someone like you in my life. Together, we faced big trials lately. I’m glad you are with us as we pass through them. What makes me sad though is that at this time in your life, these sad things happened. I believe it’s now time that we should be the ones making you happy. The physical strength is slowly passing by. I always pray at night that God will give you a good sleep. I still want you to be there and walk with me on that aisle. I still dream of you playing with your grandchildren from me. I still wish of happy moments with you. Tatay, thank you for all your love. Thank you for being the best father I could ever have. Thank you that you are still there whenever I need you. Thank you for keeping me as the apple of your eye. Thank you for all your sacrifices for me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for allowing me to know Jesus in my life. Thank you for forgiving me after all the hurts and pains I caused you. Not everyone is given this chance to have so many happy memories with their fathers, I am so blessed that I am one of the fortunate children. I will be forever grateful to our Lord. I pray that your heart is happy as you celebrate your special day. We still yet to celebrate more years of God’s faithfulness in your life.
Happy, happy birthday Tatay! I love you so much.
I was so busy the whole day yesterday with meeting and attending to our visitor (my boss from the US). We went out for dinner and by the time we reached the office, it was already late. I was surprised to receive a gift handed to my by the guard at post and even more surprised to read that card which says that it is from my loving dgroup. I received three bars of dark toblerone chocolate. What could that possibly mean? Hahaha. We, my dgroup and I, understood what those 3 bars mean to me. Love you girls. Just the thought of knowing you love me and accept me with all my flaws and imperfections, make my heart cries for gratitude and joy.
I woke up today with nothing unusual.
6am, still early to get up so I closed my eyes again. 7am, ok it’s now time to get out of bed. This scenario is normal.
I took a shower, had my breakfast and prepared to leave for office work.
Nothing unusual; all happened in the same way it happens everyday.
I reached the office at the normal time, that is, past 8am. Prepared my table and did my routine.
But somehow I realized there was something wrong.
Uh-oh, where’s my laptop? Have I left in my car?
Ahhhh! I left it at home!!!
I was about to ring my sister and tell her to bring my laptop to my office instead of me going back home. But then I also realized that my bedroom was locked and the key is with me! Great! I don’t have any other choice but to drive back home.
My officemate was already teasing me. So I went out from our building and halfway through I needed to go back to my desk!
I forgot to bring along my car key!
What’s going on with me?
This is not the first time I forgot my laptop at home. I believe today is just the second but this time, other stuff were also forgotten.
Have you had the same experience?
Well, it happens, you know…
We were walking our way back to the parking lot after a good day God has planned.Me: Excited na ako for the next prayer and fasting. Monette: (smiling)Me: Dati, I've prayed for four people. Two have already been answered.Monette: (still smiling)Me: Dalawa na lang! Sya at si Fe.Monette: Malapit na sya...nararamdaman ko na...Me: Talaga? Sana nga...di ko pa kasi maramdaman...Monette: ...That's FAITH!...We reached the car with smile on my face.
I thank God for new year because it is at this time that people get a chance to asses and plan for life. Be it a reality or another new year's plan, it is at new year's time that most of us become hopeful for the days to come. One day as I was driving on my way to office, this song by Katy Perry got my attention. It has an inspiring message and pushing one to go and be like a Firework! One of my favorite lines is "You don't have to feel like a waste of space. You're original, cannot be replaced." Hope you get inspired by this song as much as it did to me...Do you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting throught the windWanting to start againDo you ever feel, feel so paper thinLike a house of cardsOne blow from caving inDo you ever feel already buried deepSix feet under screamBut no one seems to hear a thingDo you know that there's still a chance for youCause there's a spark in youYou just gotta ignite the lightAnd let it shineJust own the nightLike the Fourth of JulyCause baby you're a fireworkCome on show 'em what your worthMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you're a fireworkCome on let your colors burstMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-ownYou don't have to feel like a waste of spaceYou're original, cannot be replacedIf you only knew what the future holdsAfter a hurricane comes a rainbowMaybe your reason why all the doors are closedSo you can open one that leads you to the perfect roadLike a lightning bolt, your heart will blowAnd when it's time, you'll knowYou just gotta ignite the lightAnd let it shineJust own the nightLike the Fourth of JulyCause baby you're a fireworkCome on show 'em what your worthMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you're a fireworkCome on let your colors burstMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-ownBoom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moonIt's always been inside of you, you, youAnd now it's time to let it throughCause baby you're a fireworkCome on show 'em what your worthMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you're a fireworkCome on slet your colors burstMake 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You're gunna leave 'em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"Boom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moonBoom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moon