The rain started to pour lightly. Made the weather cooler though. I did something I haven’t done before, that is, bursting out what’s in my heart that I am keeping inside for a longer time. Before that “explosion”, I felt like I was someone I am not.
I know I’ve caused pain so I humbled myself and asked forgiveness for what I did only to get hurt even more. I thought my asking for sorry will release me from the ache but I was wrong. That night, God talked to me in a very intimate way, a conversation I haven’t had for a longer time too. Every word He uttered is replied back with tears. God talked to me like a Father and assured me that He hasn’t forgotten anything about me.
The next day I was again truthful to someone only to give hurt once more. Have I done wrong for the second time? It was so painful that I thought I lost every investment I had on that relationship. God told me to humble myself again. The following day I asked for forgiveness and it was accepted. Later that day, I received a text message and it saddened me again. Will the rain ever stop?
I went to God and tried focusing my mind to other things until my hand ached from writing and told God that I am tired. Instantly, my phone rang. It was an international number, a call I don’t usually answer. But that time I got it and hoping it will be a lady on the other line. Indeed, a good friend I never talked to in a while shared stories that lifted my spirit. And before the call ended, she shared good news that soothed my worries. God really has His ways of taking care of me.
This morning as I was going to the office, I felt something is wrong with my car but didn’t mind it that much. Until someone got my attention and told me about a flat tire. The place where the problem was confirmed was near a vulcanizing shop. I only needed to turn and I was the only customer. As I was waiting to get my tire fixed, I checked on my phone and saw a message from my brother warning me of that tire. Nothing is too late for God; He had protected me all the way until I reached a safer place to fix the problem.
The rain is still pouring. The weather is still cooler. It is wet everywhere. And God is in it all the time. His kindness never fails.