Ultimate crush: Codename - B.S. I was in grade one, he was in grade 4. He was my bro's classmate, very neat and goodlooking (how does a 6-year old know what goodlooking means??). He was my ultimate crush until grade 3. But when I was in grade 4, I haven't seen him much. He transferred to another school for secondary level. :(
Update: he is still single! c",)
Favorite game: Taguan (hide and seek). When nothing to do at home, my siblings and I play taguan. Since I am the youngest and the smallest, I can hide anywhere. Miss playing with my ate's and kuya's.
The secret of Santa was revealed: It was early morning of Christmas 1986 when I heard my Ate telling my Nanay to put that red wallet in my stocking hung in our Christmas tree. I saw that wallet a few days ago in my Ate's bag but never thought it would be "Santa's" gift for me. I was devastated when the "secret" was revealed.
Winning a contest in Journalism: I was in the category of Copyreading and Headline Writing - English. Our team was qualified up to the national level. The event would take place in Naga City but our "beloved" school did not allow us to join. We were only two (both women) from our group who qualified to the national competition. I can't remember the exact reason why the school didn't allow us, but what remains in my mind is that our first chance to visit Bicol was cancelled.
1990 Earthquake: We were having our Filipino subject at the second floor of old high school building when the earthquake happened. I was seated in between a Christian and a Jehovah's witness classmates. The unforgettable about it was when the three of us held hands and prayed together. And the earthquake stopped, nobody was hurt in that room and even from our immediate families at home. The power of prayer.
Being sure of my salvation: 1990 in our chapel, Friday night. I was so sure I will go to heaven after believing and receiving Jesus in my heart.
Fire, almost!: College days, during one of our Physical Chemistry lab experiments. We were tasked to close a glass tubing by heating the other end. One of my classmates (bes, remember?) threw her heated glass to the sink. Without us knowing, the sink contains organic solvents! Oxygen, flammable material and heat are all present. What can you expect? Fire!!! Thank God, it was only small and was easily contained. I met our teacher (Mr. Aguilar), after about 5 years, in a convention and said he won't forget that time when we almost fired up his class. Hahaha
First tears of joy: Fourth year high school, when I won in the district level of Journalism contest. When my teacher (forgot her name though, but can still remember her face) told us that I was 3rd (not first) in our category, my tears just flowed down from my eyes. I was so embarrassed when people looked at me. But it was so good to cry out of joy.
This blog will definitely have more parts . . .
About Me

- A greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved princess by the King of kings.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Who Am I?
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wondering heart.
Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours. I am yours.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again
Who am I?
That the voice that calm the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
Not because of who I am.
But because what of you’ve done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wondering heart.
Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours. I am yours.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again
Who am I?
That the voice that calm the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
Not because of who I am.
But because what of you’ve done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.
Monday, January 21, 2008

Have you ever wished you were a fish? Have you ever stared and entertained how a fish swims and make its way to the vast playground of water?
When I was a child, I often wonder how do fish swim so smooth and so cool and so at peace in water. I thought I would outgrown that fascination. But I was wrong, even now that I am an adult I would still stop and watch how fish makes it way up and down in water. They are so graceful and would surprise you when they just jump out of nowhere (and how can they do that?? They don't even have feet!). I love it most when I watch dolphin shows, when they do their antics and stunts and get so envy with those trainors who would even stand at the back of these dolphins and off they go as if they were surfing. I also like it when I see documentaries in television showing the life and survival of fishes. And these creatures come in different colors, different sizes, different shapes, different looks and with different styles of strokes!!! My favorite "fishy" movies are Nemo and Shark's tale. They are so cute to watch under water (even if they were just cartoons, hehe). Free Willy is also nice but it is so dramatic for me. And would you believe, I like that episode of Star Wars where there were underwater scenes? Where the Jedis hide temporarily and made agreements with this colony (okay, okay I forgot what's the name of that clan).
When I was a child, I often wonder how do fish swim so smooth and so cool and so at peace in water. I thought I would outgrown that fascination. But I was wrong, even now that I am an adult I would still stop and watch how fish makes it way up and down in water. They are so graceful and would surprise you when they just jump out of nowhere (and how can they do that?? They don't even have feet!). I love it most when I watch dolphin shows, when they do their antics and stunts and get so envy with those trainors who would even stand at the back of these dolphins and off they go as if they were surfing. I also like it when I see documentaries in television showing the life and survival of fishes. And these creatures come in different colors, different sizes, different shapes, different looks and with different styles of strokes!!! My favorite "fishy" movies are Nemo and Shark's tale. They are so cute to watch under water (even if they were just cartoons, hehe). Free Willy is also nice but it is so dramatic for me. And would you believe, I like that episode of Star Wars where there were underwater scenes? Where the Jedis hide temporarily and made agreements with this colony (okay, okay I forgot what's the name of that clan).
I also love fishing, but just the thrill of fishes eating my baits. And I get frustrated when they eat the bait but I won't be able to catch them. Haha!
Yeah, I swim but not am really a good swimmer. I can only float . . . huh!
Someday, I want to go scuba diving. Being under water and playing with these fascinating creatures. And see what its like in their kingdom . . .
Yeah, I swim but not am really a good swimmer. I can only float . . . huh!
Someday, I want to go scuba diving. Being under water and playing with these fascinating creatures. And see what its like in their kingdom . . .
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Do you love waking up in the morning? Well, not too early morning. And not too late as well. Just the time when your room is lighted by the sunlight, when you hear a choir of birds singing their morning greetings to you, when you feel you have rested well and had a good sleep (and had a very beautiful dream too), when you feel like it'll gonna be a different day to savor and live your life.
What is the first thing you do after you have fully opened your eyes and decided to start the day? . . . If you have to go to office, probably you will directly go to the bathroom and wash your sleepiness away with a cold morning shower. Or you will go to the dining table, good for you if mom has prepared a sumptous breakfast. Or get your mobile phone and excitedly see if your crush (or special someone) remembered to send you a message. Or if you are a girl, you would stand in your closet and think for long (or even longer) hours which dress to wear.
Different people do different things in the morning. We all have our different routines. We all have our different activities, different habits.
For quite sometime now, I feel excited and loved and pampered in the morning. First thing, I wait to hear the sound of that group, the birds' choir surrounding my room. You see, I live in a very quiet and very simple little community in a province. You'll hear the crows of roosters, the barkings of dogs, the zooommm of tricycles, the voices of kids going to school, the sound of your tummy reminding you that you haven't fed her last night. Anyway, when I hear the chirping of the choir, I can't help but smile. (What a good act after opening my eyes!) And then, I will say my morning greetings to my Dad - I usually do this facing the window where the direction of sunrise is - and I will be greeted back by the warmth of His kisses filling the air with a bit of sunlight. Perfect! After that, we will have a little talk. I write down in my journal what His message is and will keep it in my heart for the whole day.
Then comes my other routines. Drinking one glass of water, taking a bath, spending a little (?) time in the closet and mirror, eat my breakfast, and then kiss my parents good-bye and off go to work. Oh by the way, if my car is dusty, I clean it first after I drink that glass of water.
What is the first thing you do after you have fully opened your eyes and decided to start the day? . . . If you have to go to office, probably you will directly go to the bathroom and wash your sleepiness away with a cold morning shower. Or you will go to the dining table, good for you if mom has prepared a sumptous breakfast. Or get your mobile phone and excitedly see if your crush (or special someone) remembered to send you a message. Or if you are a girl, you would stand in your closet and think for long (or even longer) hours which dress to wear.
Different people do different things in the morning. We all have our different routines. We all have our different activities, different habits.
For quite sometime now, I feel excited and loved and pampered in the morning. First thing, I wait to hear the sound of that group, the birds' choir surrounding my room. You see, I live in a very quiet and very simple little community in a province. You'll hear the crows of roosters, the barkings of dogs, the zooommm of tricycles, the voices of kids going to school, the sound of your tummy reminding you that you haven't fed her last night. Anyway, when I hear the chirping of the choir, I can't help but smile. (What a good act after opening my eyes!) And then, I will say my morning greetings to my Dad - I usually do this facing the window where the direction of sunrise is - and I will be greeted back by the warmth of His kisses filling the air with a bit of sunlight. Perfect! After that, we will have a little talk. I write down in my journal what His message is and will keep it in my heart for the whole day.
Then comes my other routines. Drinking one glass of water, taking a bath, spending a little (?) time in the closet and mirror, eat my breakfast, and then kiss my parents good-bye and off go to work. Oh by the way, if my car is dusty, I clean it first after I drink that glass of water.
Monday, January 7, 2008
The old order of things has passed away.
Life is a cycle... just for now.
One day, you are very high emotionally, spritually. And one day, you will find yourself at its low point for no apparent reason! I wonder why it has to be that way?
I must admit, I am at my low point lately. I have every reason to be excited and joyful yet my spirit is so proud that it cannot appreciate anything, so insensitive and so callous. Foolish heart!
Then God brought me to this verse: He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (Revelation 21:4) Wow, what a promise! In the new heaven and earth, the old order of things will be gone. It means that I won't feel lonely, down or depressed anymore! Every second is full of joy and laughter and true worship. It will be so much fun that I don't have to think about me, I and myself.
While waiting for that time, I am still in this present order of things. One amazing thing though, my Father never gets tired of encouraging me everyday, whispering to me how much He loves me, and providing for my daily needs even to the point of giving me my wants. I am His beloved anyway . . . c",)
I, together with two of my closest friends in church (Clarisse and SR), were in a friend's wake last Saturday. We all know that that day will come but still the loss of a beloved really hurts. Tita Laura, now a widow, tried her best not to look lonely and sad but her eyes cannot hide it. Tito Boy's two years of battle with his lung cancer was used by God to spread His word to a great number of souls. It was such an amazing and awesome testimony everytime Tito Boy would come to the pulpit and shares what God is doing in his life. I will miss his presence in the testimony line, but one thing is for sure . . . the old order of things in his life is now gone. And he is finally home to his Father in heaven. Enjoy the reunion Tito Boy . . .
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