Ultimate crush: Codename - B.S. I was in grade one, he was in grade 4. He was my bro's classmate, very neat and goodlooking (how does a 6-year old know what goodlooking means??). He was my ultimate crush until grade 3. But when I was in grade 4, I haven't seen him much. He transferred to another school for secondary level. :(
Update: he is still single! c",)
Favorite game: Taguan (hide and seek). When nothing to do at home, my siblings and I play taguan. Since I am the youngest and the smallest, I can hide anywhere. Miss playing with my ate's and kuya's.
The secret of Santa was revealed: It was early morning of Christmas 1986 when I heard my Ate telling my Nanay to put that red wallet in my stocking hung in our Christmas tree. I saw that wallet a few days ago in my Ate's bag but never thought it would be "Santa's" gift for me. I was devastated when the "secret" was revealed.
Winning a contest in Journalism: I was in the category of Copyreading and Headline Writing - English. Our team was qualified up to the national level. The event would take place in Naga City but our "beloved" school did not allow us to join. We were only two (both women) from our group who qualified to the national competition. I can't remember the exact reason why the school didn't allow us, but what remains in my mind is that our first chance to visit Bicol was cancelled.
1990 Earthquake: We were having our Filipino subject at the second floor of old high school building when the earthquake happened. I was seated in between a Christian and a Jehovah's witness classmates. The unforgettable about it was when the three of us held hands and prayed together. And the earthquake stopped, nobody was hurt in that room and even from our immediate families at home. The power of prayer.
Being sure of my salvation: 1990 in our chapel, Friday night. I was so sure I will go to heaven after believing and receiving Jesus in my heart.
Fire, almost!: College days, during one of our Physical Chemistry lab experiments. We were tasked to close a glass tubing by heating the other end. One of my classmates (bes, remember?) threw her heated glass to the sink. Without us knowing, the sink contains organic solvents! Oxygen, flammable material and heat are all present. What can you expect? Fire!!! Thank God, it was only small and was easily contained. I met our teacher (Mr. Aguilar), after about 5 years, in a convention and said he won't forget that time when we almost fired up his class. Hahaha
First tears of joy: Fourth year high school, when I won in the district level of Journalism contest. When my teacher (forgot her name though, but can still remember her face) told us that I was 3rd (not first) in our category, my tears just flowed down from my eyes. I was so embarrassed when people looked at me. But it was so good to cry out of joy.
This blog will definitely have more parts . . .
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